Proudly Welcoming Dora Larsen!

Dora Larsen is the newest brand to come into the shop. We are super jazzed to welcome designer Georgia Larsen's playful and sophisticated use of color and texture. For now, we have one style from Larsen's enchanting oeuvre, and plan to carry more later this year.

Another reason we love Dora Larsen is that this is a brand firmly committed to ethics and responsible supply chain - both for people and for the planet. They adhere to strict international codes set in place for the protection of the environment and workers all over the globe. Read Dora Larsen's statement on ethics and sustainability in its manufacturing below and shop the collection at Supernatural!

"high ethical standards are important to dora larsen, and, as lingerie specialists, we are committed to responsible business practices within our supply chain.

we work with a highly reputable factory in the guangdong region of china, which also produces for a number of other premium lingerie brands. each year the factory is audited by intertek. intertek is focussed on ensuring the factory reaches the requirements for ethical standards with regards to supply chain visibility, workplace conditions, environmental performance, fabric quality, social attributes and managing product quality and safety. to read more on these audit requirements click here. our technical team also visit the factory several times a year.

our factory also follows the eti base code. the requirements for this include the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, working hours, no child labour, no forced labour, no discrimination, health and well-being and communication of employment. the eti base code also ensures that all workers receive at least the minimum wage or more, which in 2016 in the guangdong region of china, is more than double what it was in 2010. the workers are also paid on a monthly basis, in accordance to uk/eu laws. to read more about the eti code click here

our factory and local mills follow eu regulated reach standards. reach promotes human health and the environment from risks posed by chemicals as well as promoting alternative methods for assessing substances.

we work with local mills within the guangdong region. this ensures we are not left with any fabric wastage by using mills which require high minimum order quantities. using local fabric mills also ensures we do not need to ship large amounts of fabric from abroad."