Astro Salon Pajama Party: Taurus Edition


ART of the ZODIAC and Supernatural Lingerie are once again joining forces to present Astrology Salon & Pajama Party: Taurus Edition. 

Hosted by Astrology CV Henriette, Astro Salon is a monthly gathering devoted to learning about astrology through transits and storytelling—while playing dress up! 

Or down. Dress however you damn well please! As long as you put your bottoms on if you plan on getting up. Yes, this is a ZOOM event. Which means we'll be gathering from all corners of the world to discuss our shared sky and experiences. Pretty incredible, yeah?

If you have your chart, bring it! If you have no idea what a chart is, but you're super intrigued by this whole Astrology thing, now is a good time to sign up for an Express Reading with CV Henriette—by clicking here, and scrolling down through "Services."

And! All attendees will receive a $20 Supernatural Lingerie discount to shop before or after the party ✨

Tickets available at the link below!